Many solicitors and legal teams have years of knowledge and experience to present their clients in court in London and surrounding areas. Legal teams can act and continue to act on many substantial cases for Defendants accused of crimes.
A lawyer will be able to defend your case in court for numerous reasons. This includes divorce, property and criminal law.
Gathering the evidence to support you
Rather than solicitors gathering evidence in your name, a detective team is typically hired to produce these facts. We recommend using a private investigator to help find the truth for you. This way, it means highly experienced, efficient and effective results will be found in your defence. Their team excel in conducting interviews as well as examining facts – they get down to the root cause of where it went wrong for the defendant.
An efficient and reliable team just a call away
Solicitors have a large team who are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Get assistance with:
- Advice and representation at Police Stations
- Crown Court and Magistrates Court Work
- Serious Fraud Office investigations
- Inland Revenue investigations
- DTI enquiries and Customs and Excise investigations
- Bail applications
- Major criminal offences including murder, drug trafficking, kidnapping, rape
- Extradition
- Asset Confiscation proceedings
- White Collar crime
- Serious fraud, money laundering
All solicitors are trained in human rights and actions against the police. If at the conclusion of your case, you have a potential claim we will be able to refer you to another legal team.